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The Sunday morning programs for children include Children’s Chapel at the 10:00 am service, for PreK–2nd Grade kids

Gospel Gatherings for 3rd – 6th graders and Nursery Care for our youngest members during the 10AM service.

In addition, Grace offers regular Friday night events, Grace Gives Back community service groups and lots of special events, like Pajama Sunday and Soup Kitchen Sunday. Over 100 children participate in our kids programs. 


Each year our Vacation Bible School camp offers a week-long program for 70 kids and 25 teen counselors.


Our Christmas Pageant features fifty children, in different roles, and our Easter Drama is followed by an outdoor egg hunt at both the 9 and 11:15 am services. 



There are many ways in which the youth are involved at Grace Church. Many of them sing in our choirs, serve as acolytes, ushers, and assisting ministers, as well as assist with leading children’s programming. We are blessed to have such a great group of talented and energetic youth here at Grace; they are most certainly an integral part of our family of faith.

We also have a variety of different youth group activities throughout the year. Some of these events have included visiting a corn maze in the fall, snow tubing in the winter, going bowling, having a game night, and going on a camping trip.


All youth in grades 8 and up are invited to receive the sacrament of Confirmation. Confirmation itself usually occurs in May, but in order to be confirmed all youth must complete the confirmation classes held at Grace Church, which begins in October. Classes are held twice monthly on Sunday evenings from October to May from 5-7PM.  Click here for more information and registration here. 


If you have any questions or suggestions about the youth programs , the clergy welcome you to contact them. 

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