The Chapel Choir
The Chapel Choir, children (ages 3 to 7) learn about singing, play music games and rhythm instruments, and prepare songs to offer in church on the first Sunday of each month, October through June. The Children’s Chapel choir is under the direction of Linda Bowden.
School Choirs
The Grace Church School Choirs (trebles ages 7–18) learn musical skills, have fun with friends, and contribute their time, talents and leadership to our 10 am worship service every Sunday. The singers develop significantly as vocalists and learn to sight-read through appropriately challenging rehearsals, they meet one-on-one with Dr. Anne to progress through different musical skill levels certified by The Royal School of Choral Music.
School Choir I (Red Choir) Children (grades 2 – 5) starting with a snack in the kitchen and ending with a half hour of combined rehearsal with the older singers in School Choir II. In addition to learning service music, anthems, and musical skills, School Choir I plays musical games and ring handbells.
School Choir II (Blue Choir) Trebles (grades 6-12) learn more advanced music, sing in two and three part harmony, and learn descants, solos, and more complicated bell parts.
Daughters of Zion are high school and college/grad school singers who prepare more challenging SSA repertoire both for services and community events. They have performed works by Casals, Britten, Bach and much more, as well as pop and a cappella. They solo and provide leadership in several Grace Choirs.
The Gargoyles: are a young men’s (7th-12th grade) a cappella ensemble whose repertoire ranges from spirituals to sacred music, barbershop and popular. As well as singing Sunday worship services with the adult men, and their own anthems, the Gargoyles sing at community events.
Rehearsal Schedules
Chapel Choir, ages 3-7
Friday afternoons: 3:30–4:05PM
School Choir I (Red Choir) (grades 2-5)
Fridays from 3:30–4:45PM
School Choir II (Blue Choir) (grades 6–12)
Fridays from 4:15–5:15PM
Alternate time Thursday: 7:00-7:45PM
Daughters of Zion
(high school/college sopranos & altos)
Times TBD
The Gargoyles (teen tenors & basses)
Thursdays from 8:15-9:15PM
Adult Choir
Thursdays 7:15–8:45PM
Adult Choir
The Adult Choir at Grace Church is both inclusive and excellent. Under the direction of Dr. Anne Matlack, we have no paid section leaders, but we sing at a very high level – a variety of music from traditional Anglican to Global, Hassler to Matthew Harris, Chants to spirituals with opportunities for solos and ensembles as well. Enrichment and collaborative opportunities abound every year, from joining with a visiting international chorus, singing with a local orchestra, attending RSCM camps, to singing Evensongs and Choir Festivals.
They sing Sunday mornings at the 10AM service, and also for Evensongs, Christmas, Holy Week and chanted Compline following Lenten Thursday rehearsals. Concerts have ranged from the Rutter Requiem to Handel’s Messiah.
We are a close yet welcoming community who support one another and also sing funerals and community events. Numerous college and post-college “alums” often return to sing the late service on Christmas Eve. Summer Choir is ad hoc and all are welcome at 9:30AM to rehearse for the 10AM service in July and August.