Outreach: way to help
Our next drive is Monday, June 3 from 1PM-7PM. Although walk-ins are welcome, it's best to make an appointment. Whole blood can be donated every 56 day and since Grace will be hosting blood drives every two months, dedicated blood donors will be eligible to donate at all of our drives! Read more.
Food for Friends
Donations support local food pantries
Grace Church is responding to the ongoing need to address food insecurity for New Jersey’s individuals, families, and children. We have increased the number of organizations that we partner with and are striving to increase the amount and quality of our donations to them.
Who does Grace help through Food for Friends?
Military Assistance Pantry (Paterson) is run by the Great Falls Rotary Foundation and serves military families who suffer from hunger and food insecurity
Trinity Lutheran Church Food Pantry (Dover) distributes groceries to individuals and families who do not have enough to eat.
St. Andrews Church (Newark) offers a weekly lunch program and food pantry for those in need.
First Baptist Church Food Pantry (Madison) provides to those in our local community who suffer from food insecurity
How to help
Get in the habit of bringing your food donations each time you attend Grace and leave your items on the shelves in Neiman Hall for distribution to our partner organizations.
Order from the Walmart Wish List and have items delivered directly to Grace Church.
Make a donation to "Grace Church" with "Food for Friends" on check’s memo line, or giving online.
Assist with deliveries to our partner organizations. If interested in learning more about this opportunity, please contact Raia Wielandy
Shopping List
Food for Friends
Always welcome: Simple, unprocessed foods are best! For canned goods, easy open tabs are preferred. Individual serving sized packets are also always welcomed. Thank you for your generosity!
Hearty Soups, Chili, or Stews (preferably low-sodium / high in protein)
Canned Meats: Chicken, Spam, Tuna, Vienna Sausages, Sardines, or Salmon
Peanut Butter
Canned Vegetables, especially those without added salt
Canned Beans, including baked beans
Spaghetti Sauce
Fruit Cups: fruits canned in juice, unsweetened applesauce, and dried fruit such as raisins or craisins (individual servings preferred)
Fruit Juice (100% fruit only, please)
Shelf-Stable Milk or Powdered Milk (smaller pouches preferred)
Healthy Cereal: Whole grain, low-sugar cereals such as plain instant oatmeal, whole grain Os, and bran flakes
Pasta: whole grain or enriched pasta
Rice and Rice Mixes
Crackers (individual packets only)
Chips (individual packets only)
Condiments such as salad dressings or spreads, ketchup, or mustard
Steer clear of these items
Large containers of anything.
Smaller, or even individual servings, are preferable. -
Lasagna and stuffed shell pasta
Stuffing & canned pumpkin
Cake mixes & frosting
Flour & shortening
Shopping List
North Porch
We have an ongoing collection for infants and babies. The most needed items are:
Diapers (sizes 5 & 6)
Enfamil 12.5 oz (yellow)
Baby cereal
Stage 2 baby food
Baby wash
Diaper cream
support groups at Grace
Coordinator: Jack Klingert
2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month
7:30PM in the Grace Hall
Young students at the Goll Farm School, extending thanks for the financial support which has come through Grace Church. Starting in 2011, the people of Grace Church, and other donors, contributed more than $15,000 for the initial construction of the school, located in the village of Suakoko, Liberia. Almost all of this support came in the form of donations of $25 or $50. The people of Grace also supported a book collection, building a school library substantially larger than any other in the region, and named the library in honor of E. Christopher Cone, a Grace parishioner.
Grace Church recently sent a gift to the school, and a parishioner has matched the donation to be use toward the education of young Liberians who would otherwise not be able to attend school at all. Donations to "Grace Church", with "Goll Farm School" on memo line by check, or online, are very welcome. Your donations support the education of the little children in the picture, and a great many more.