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grace community music


Harmonium presents Be Brave

United Methodist Church 50 South Park Place, Morristown, NJ
Saturday, June 1, 7:30PM
Sunday, June 2, 3PM

An eclectic program celebrating the fierceness of the creative artist and the spoken word, highlighting our collaboration with Her Words, a local program working to empower teenage girls to share their stories. Including the winners of the 27th annual High School Composition contest and other works by Barnwell, Halley, and Purcell and Mark Miller.


Evensong for the Feast of Peter and Paul 
Saturday, June 29, 2024 5PM
Grace Episcopal Church
Music by Webster
, Jessica French, Larry King


Summer Bon Voyage Evensong
Saturday, July 20, 2024, 5PM
Grace Episcopal Church


Evensongs in Residence 
Wells Cathedral, UK
July 29-August 4, 2024


Evensong is a traditionally Anglican service of beauty and contemplation. Begun by Bishop Thomas Cranmer in the time of King Henry VIII it combined the evening services of Vespers and Compline into one act of worship: Evensong. The choir sings on behalf of the congregation, who pray by actively listening. A musical setting of prayers (Preces and Responses) is always sung, as well as a setting of the evening canticles; the Magnificat (Mary's song), and Nunc Dimittis (Simeon's Song). There is also an anthem, an Anglican chant psalm and a hymn or two.

Our Evensongs this year prepare us for the week of services we will sing in England. They will be sung by members of our adult choirs, Harmonium singers joining us for the trip, and our older trebles. Evensong is usually only about 45-minutes and is also usually followed by wine and cheese! Please join us as much as you can! All are welcome.

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Choir Trip to Wells, England
July 27-August 5, 2024

Our Choirs have been accepted for a week in residence at Wells Cathedral. This is a wonderful opportunity to experience the beauty of the cathedral and its stunning acoustics. During the trip we will be singing Evensong on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, plus Eucharist and Evensong on Sunday. There will also be wonderful excursions planned every morning, and a full-day in Bristol.  If you are interested in joining us, please register now.

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