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Connections within

Mindfulness for Adults
2nd Monday of the month from 7:00-8:00 pm in the Senior High Youth Room. Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction is a clinically proven program that helps people deal with daily life stresses. By focusing on the present moment, people can enjoy life more and getting out of 'automatic pilot mode', people have the freedom to look at a situation differently, and choose a more deliberate response. Open group. Please come give it a try.


Craft Guild meets Tuesdays at 10:00 am in the Library. Bring a your latest knitting, sewing project and  

Women's of Grace Book Group 
Monthly discussion group meets on the third Monday of the month at 7:00 pm. 

Men's Book Group Monthly discussion group meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 7:30 pm.

Contact Bruce Rudin for more information. 

Thursday Worship and light breakfast
Come to the 7:00 am weekly worship service and stay for a light breakfast in the kitchen.

Friday Men's Breakfast

Early risers gather each Friday at 7:30 am at the Waverly Restaurant at 14 Waverly Place, Madison. 

Graceful Hikers – Several times each year, there is an opportunity to join other members of Grace Church on a local hike for a few hours. Our hikes are generally to local trails, and give everyone the opportunity to enjoy being outdoors in nature. We have hiked Pyramid Mountain, local trails in Morristown, and even ventured to explore the Cloisters. 

Women’s Centering Prayer and Meditation – most Wednesday mornings at 10:15 am in the Library. We alternate two techniques: Centering Prayer and Guided Meditation. You do not have to have ever attended the meditation class, nor had any experience. Please consider joining us some Wednesday. Everyone is welcome!

  • Centering Prayer was developed by Thomas Keating, a Catholic abbot, in the 1970’s. It is a popular method of contemplative prayers, also called Christian meditation, with a strong emphasis on interior silence.

  • Meditation was brought to America in the late 19th century by Swami Vivekandanda. In fact, all American yoga and meditation practices can be traced back to him. In Guided Meditation, the facilitator helps the individual focus on the topic.


First Fridays:   On the First Friday of each month at 6:15 pm Grace parishioners gather for a pot luck supper, then are treated to a presentation by a member of Grace Church. These presentations have included information about a wide variety of topics such as 

  • Christmas Traditions / History

  • An A Cappella Evening 

  • A trip down the Rhine

  • Painting with encaustics

  • Drug trends and awareness

  • Film Noir

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