Since we cannot gather for Bible Study in Grace Hall, or the Daily Office in the chapel, or Sunday School in the Children’s Chapel, please learn and pray with us in our Zoom Room.
Lenten Bible Study with Fr Asa: Join the Wednesday group discussions at 10am and 7pm.
Fridays Lenten Music with Dr. Anne: following brief Noonday Prayer at 12:15pm on Fridays. On March 26, at 1pm, there will be a special livestream of the Helen E.J. Thomas Annual Memorial Concert. Helen, former organist emerita at Grace, founded these Lenten organ recitals in the 1950s.
Food for Friends Ingathering
Since we are called to acts of mercy, most especially in the weeks of Lent… please support Food For Friends by participating in at least one Saturday in-gathering. Every Saturday, 10am-noon now at Grace Church! Children are particularly welcome on April 3. You may shop online and have items shipped directly using the Walmart registry. Contact Barbara with any questions or if you can help!
Lenten offerings
Morning Prayer Monday-Saturday at 8:30am, Grace Zoom Room
Stations of the Cross Since it is safer outside these days… beginning in March (weather permitting) please come visit the Grace campus any day in Lent between 3pm and dusk and pray the outdoor Stations of the Cross that are being constructed for us. Stations of the Cross are online also.
Noonday Prayer, Monday-Friday at 12:15pm, following the service we will discuss the 'Lent Madness' Bracket.
once a month
Chanted Compline by the Adult Choir,
Thursday, February 17 and March 18, at 8:30pm
Virtual Pop-Up Youth Events
Saturday, March 13, 10am-noon via diocese Zoom.
Youth grades 6-8 are invited to participate in Cross Roads Camp's virtual retreat. Registration here.
Compline for Kids
6:30pm, First Wednesday, March 3, in Grace Zoom Room. Send us your photos of you or your family making/enjoying pizza! Will include them in a short video!
lenten offering
Since God has been so generous to us…
please make a special offering this Lent
Our offerings this Lent will be shared with First Baptist Church in Madison, to strengthen their feeding ministry and deepen our ties to our neighbors. Online offering or by envelope in parish mailing.
reflection & reconciliation
Since our clergy cannot yet come to visit you…
please visit with them either on the phone
or on Zoom. Mother Susan and Father Asa are happy to meet with you privately for any pastoral care need, or to celebrate the Rite of Reconciliation with you this Lent.
“The kind of fasting I want is this: remove the chains of oppression and the yoke of injustice, and let the oppressed go free. Share your food with the hungry and open your homes to the homeless poor. Give clothes to those who have nothing to wear, and do not refuse to help your own relatives." Isaiah 58:6-7