Leadership & Staff

The Rev. Susan R. Ironside (she / her)
Mother Susan came to Grace in the fall of 2018. She previously served as Rector of the Church of St. John on the Mountain in Bernardsville in the Diocese of New Jersey as well as in parishes in Chatham as a seminarian and in Westfield as a curate. She is a graduate of The General Theological Seminary in Manhattan, where she was the recipient the Bishop of Newark Preaching Prize. She has served on various committees in the Diocese of New Jersey including the Bishop’s Advisory Committee on Liturgy. She currently serves as a faculty member for the Episcopal Preaching Foundation, an organization that supports excellence in preaching in the Episcopal Church. She is passionate about preaching, and works with preachers around the country in an on-line mentoring project. Prior to seminary, Susan had a career as a Registered Nurse, working with adults in crisis, so pastoral care has an important place in her life and schedule.
Susan shares her life with her husband, Dr. Andrew Moore and their two children, Nathan and Caroline Ironside Moore, as well as their over-indulged dogs. Andrew is the Choir Master and Organist at Christ Church in Short Hills and is the Chair of the Music Department at The Pingry School. The Ironside-Moore family loves food and tries to eat together whenever possible (always a challenge for any busy family!) and a few times a year they like to disappear to play at the beach. An enthusiastic lover of Broadway musicals, and a fan of a strange assortment of music, you will occasionally hear music coming from the Rector’s office, or you may catch her singing in her car.

The Rev. Robert Griner (he / him)
A former Southern Baptist who grew up in Weston, Connecticut, Father Robert has served 5 Churches in the State of New Jersey. After graduating from Yale Divinity School, he was ordained by Bishop John Shelby Spong at All Saints’ in Millington where he served as their first Curate. He went on to St. George’s by the River in Rumson, Grace Church, Plainfield, before settling for 18 happy years as Rector of Christ Church, Newton. Recently, Robert has filled in at Christ Church in Short Hills while they launched a search for a new Assisting Priest.
Father Robert was a First Responder at Ground Zero the day after the attack, Director of a Psychiatric Service agency in Jersey City, appointed Canon for Companionship by the Archbishop of Central America, and has over 15 years of continuous sobriety in a worldwide, mutual support movement. He is currently the part-time Facilitator for Spiritual Care at Alina Lodge, a drug and alcohol treatment center in Blairstown, New Jersey.
Married to Erika Maresca, they have two sons, Jesse who is a Sophomore in Mechanical Engineering at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, and Eliot who is a Senior at Sussex County Technical High School in Sparta, New Jersey. Father Griner enjoys high altitude mountain climbing (3 of the 7 summits completed) and traveling to countries no one has ever heard of (recently Kyrgyzstan).
Meet the Vestry

Kathleen Hower
Senior Warden

Andy Bolt
Junior Warden
Kathleen Hower Munter
Dan Baulig
Philip Deane

Angela Finlay

Heidi Griffee

Chris Hauck

Judy Honohan


Ed Nunn

Michael Petite
Marilyn Musielski

Mark Sacher
Peggy Potter

Andy Yost
Meet the Staff

Dr. Anne Matlack (she/her)
Director of Choirs & Organist
Dr. Anne holds a B.A. in Music from Yale University, and M.M. and D.M.A. degrees in Choral Conducting from the University of Cincinnati College – Conservatory of Music. Dr. Anne has served on the faculty of the Royal School of Church Music’s summer camp at King’s College, Wilkes-Barre. She serves on the New Jersey Board of the American Choral Directors Association, and is an active member of the American Guild of Organists and the Association of Anglican Musicians, an adjudicator and clinician. Dr. Matlack is also Artistic Director of the Harmonium Choral Society; Grace Church and Harmonium singers joined to serve as Choir-in Residence at Winchester Cathedral in the summer of 2015.

Kathryn McManus (she / her)
Director, Children & Family Ministries
Kathryn is a long-time, active member of Grace Church and the Madison community. Kathryn is a graduate of Fairleigh Dickinson University, where she studied Theatre Arts with a concentration in Directing. We are happy to welcome Kathryn into this role, and very pleased to know that this essential ministry is in such good hands.

Mary McManus (she / her)
Director, Youth Ministries
Mary will work collaboratively with Miss Kathryn to provide ministry for all the young people in our community, focusing in particular on Middle and High School students. She has been a member of Grace Church for 24 years. During those years she has taught Sunday School and has been very involved in several groups at Grace. She has completed many Bible studies and spiritual direction sessions.

Linda Bowden (she / her)
Chapel Choir Director
Linda Bowden – Chapel Choir Director, born in Morristown, spent her adult life teaching and educating children of all ages but her favorite age group embraces preschoolers and kindergartners. She has taught in NJ, in Dover as an ESL teacher, and PA teaching elementary school. “I love singing and music of all kinds and joined the choir to sing with Dr. Anne. As a result, I fell in love with Grace Church and the people. After retirement, became the Chapel Choir Director. I love it! I look forward to Fridays where we can sing and share with the eager boys and girls each week.

Camille Bourland (she / her)
Children's Choir Assistant
Camille Bourland graduated with a bachelor’s in music education from Syracuse University, where she is also currently finishing (remotely) her masters in music education. While in Syracuse, she was the musical director for the Syracuse Community Choir Teen & Young Adult Choir. After graduation, Camille hopes to teach elementary general music and chorus. Having sung in several choirs throughout her musical career, she has recently joined the Harmonium Choral Society where she sings in the alto 1 section. Outside of making music, Camille enjoys hiking, thrift shopping, and reading.

Crary Brooks (she / her)
Choir Librarian
Crary Brooks is the new Choir Librarian. A resident of Morristown and a member of Grace Church since 1989, Crary is a member of the Grace choir where she sings alto. She also sings with the Harmonium Choral Society. Crary enjoys volunteering with North Porch in Dover and has been active with both the Music Boosters and the PTO within the Morris School District. Married to Geoff for 25 years, they have four children as well as two dogs, a foster cat and a rabbit.

Geoff Brooks (he / him)
Senior Verger
Geoff has been a member of Grace Church since 1989, and has served the church in various capacities including Warden, Vestry member, Verger, Worship Leader, Acolyte, Thurifer, Usher, Outreach Committee chair, Stewardship chair, Capital Campaign co-chair, Finance Committee member and Search Committee member (twice). A lifelong Episcopalian, Geoff has always drawn spiritual strength and deepened faith through the practice of public worship. The act of common worship stimulates his better nature, grounds him in the principles of the person he aspires to be, and motivates and inspires him to live out those principles in the world.

Kit Cone (he / him)
Senior Verger Emeritus
Kit has been a member of Grace Church since 1986, and was asked to serve as volunteer Verger ten years later. From 1958 to 2004, Kit was a volunteer Episcopal missionary in Liberia and Cote d’Ivoire. In addition to serving as church handyman and columbarium attendant, Kit is a licensed lay preacher, and maintains his interest in Liberia through fund-raising and a recent book collection for the library named in his honor at the Goll Farm School in Suakoko, Liberia.
Susie Harris (she / her)
Susie joined the Grace Church staff in January 2015. She produces our newsletter, bulletins, weekly email, maintains the website, Facebook and Instagram. She lives in Long Hill Township with her husband, Harry and two children. She enjoys curating her Little Free Library and exploring the world with her dog Treeing Walker Coonhound, Zeke. She also works part-time as the Parish Administrator for All Saints’ Church in Millington.

Osh Khublall (he / him)
We welcomed Osh as our bookkeeper in May, 2019. Osh also works at St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Morristown.

Mike Kostial (he / him)
Parish Administrator
Mike Kostial has been a member of Grace Church since 2008. Mike joined the vestry in 2010 and became a warden in 2013. He stepped down from that position in March of 2016 to assume the role of parish administrator after a long and rewarding career in the I.T. field. Mike is an avid reader of science fiction/fantasy novels, his all time favorite being The Black Company by Glen Cook, and is a big time soccer fan, and supporter of his old hometown club SV Darmstadt 1998 and local team New York Red Bulls.

Matthew North (he / him)
Director of The Gargoyles
Matthew is currently a senior at Fairleigh Dickinson University in Madison, NJ majoring in Theater Studies with a minor in Digital Marketing. Matthew is very excited to pass on what he has learned as a vocalist to the next generation and work alongside wonderful people at Grace Episcopal. When he is not singing, he can be found listening to music, writing songs, binging DisneyPlus and spending time with the people he loves.